
Payment method

To book a car on ABC AUTOCARS, you must have a current, eligible payment card listed on rental agreement or/and on your account. We accept credit and debit cards but don’t accept prepaids cards.

Verifying your payment card

When you request to book a car, we send your payment card information to your bank. Your bank accepts or denies the transaction. If we’ve prevented you from booking a car because of a problem with your card, it’s likely due to one of these reasons:

– You’re using a prepaid card that we don’t accept.
– Your billing address is incorrect.
We process the billing address and card number exactly as you enter it. Then your bank determines whether they can verify the card. A problem with an address is the most common verification issue.
Some banks are very particular about the address format. Check your billing statement or call your bank to get the exact address format for your card.
If the problem is with your zip code, try any previous addresses or try the bank’s zip code. ‘
– Your payment method issuer or bank has placed a hold on your card.

Whatever the case, we can’t verify or accept a card if your bank denies the transaction. If we can’t verify or accept your card, we recommend that you contact your card issuer for further details. Or you can enter a different payment method following the instructions below.

All payments are due on demand, (unless otherwise agreed in writing by ABC AUTOCARS). All charges payable by the Client shall be payable by credit card, debit card or in cash of the Rental Period and/or ABC AUTOCARS requires all or any of the charges to be prepaid in advance. In the event where a Client chooses to pay cash for a rental, the Client will not be entitled to set-off or withhold payment of any amounts due in terms of this agreement for any reason whatsoever. If ABC AUTOCARS has agreed to accept payment from the Client by credit card, debit card or charge card specified in the agreement, the Clients’s signature of this agreement will constitute irrevocable authority for ABC AUTOCARS to obtain authorization and/or payment. The signature will also constitute irrevocable authority for the issuer of the card to debit him with the total amount due to ABC AUTOCARS including but not limited to any Damages and/or Loss suffered by ABC AUTOCARS. In the event that the Client returns the vehicle to ABC AUTOCARS prior to the termination of the Rental Period as specified hereof, the Client will pay the usual rates and charges applicable to the Rental Period and the rates and charges for the full Rental Period and/or miles actually occurred. In the event of an incident and/or if the vehicle is stolen and/or lost, the amount of the Damages and/or the Total Loss as suffered by ABC AUTOCARS is payable by the Client immediately on demand by ABC AUTOCARS or its duly authorized representative. The Client shall be obliged to accept the quotation for repairs as proof of quantum for the Damages caused to the vehicle. Damages in excess of $15,000.00 will be supported by an independent assessor’s report. The Client by signing the rental agreement, accepts full responsibility for the damages incurred for which he/she is liable. The Client agrees that if payment is to be made by credit card and debit card, his/her signature on the rental agreement shall constitute authority to debit his/her credit card and debit card for the total amount due including his/her full liability for any damages incurred. If any amount is not paid on due date, ABC AUTOCARS may without prejudice to any rights it may have, charge interest on the overdue amount at the applicable prescribed legal rate or prime as charged by Bank of America plus 5%, whichever is the higher, and in the sole discretion of ABC AUTOCARS. A certificate of any director, manager or accountant of ABC AUTOCARS as to any amount owed by the Client to ABC AUTOCARS shall constitute prima facie proof of that amount.